Texas Hold'em


General Rules

If you've not played Poker before, don't worry! It's easy to learn. To start with, watch the following short video by Popover Games:

Once you know the basics, here are the poker hands in order of strength:

Poker Hand Rankings


  • .poker - start a game. You need a minimum of 2 players to deal. Poker can support up to 12 players.
  • .pjoin pjoin - join a game. You may join mid-game and you will be added in next round.
  • .deal - deal the cards once everyone has joined; only need to do this once at the start.
  • .cards - see the cards you have been dealt and the number of chips you hold.
  • .check - when it is your turn, check; in poker this option is given when you don't have to meet a bet to indicate you are happy to proceed without changing the stakes (tip: you shouldn't fold if you have this option!)
  • .call - when it is your turn, call; this allows you to call a current bet and put your chips to bet against it.
  • .open <amount> - when it is your turn, open a bet; this allows you to raise the bet by the amount listed. If you specify an amount, that is the amount used, otherwise it is the default bet (which is the big blind).
  • .raise <amount> - when it is your turn, raise; this allows you to call a current bet, and then raise the bet by the amount listed. If you specify an amount, that is the amount used, otherwise it is the default bet (which is the big blind).
  • .allin - when it is your turn, go all-in; this puts all your chips in the center!
  • .fold - when it is your turn, fold; this allows you to pull out of the current round of betting if the stakes get too high for your interests.
  • .pokerstop - stops the current game, note only the person who started the game can do this unless a timeout occurs.
  • .continue - if a player becomes inactive and doesn't make a move, once the timeout occurs you can use this command to force the player out in order to continue a game.