Commands (IRC)
The following is a guide to River's IRC commands (for Discord, see here). There are others, and more will be added below as these get documented. Custom responses are available for when River says hi, goodbye and goodnight.
Note: You can use full stops instead of commas. Also remember that some commands have timeouts, these are listed at the bottom right of each command in red. If River doesn't reply to a command you recently issued, please wait the full rate limit and try again.
Help and Greetings
See who River is and get a link to this website.
See commands that River can help in-chat with.
,doc <function_name>
Displays help information if a function name is provided from the list returned by .commands.
Get River to say your name!
(hi|hello|hey|morning|afternoon|evening) River
Say hi to River.
(bye|goodbye|cya) River
Say goodbye to River.
(night|goodnight) River
Say goodnight to River.
(thanks|thank you|cheers) River
Say thanks to River.
River, say (...) to
make River say hi, goodbye, goodnight or thanks to nick, using the above commands (except 'cya'), whether they are around or not!
(i love you|love you|you are awesome|you're awesome) River
Say you love River!
(wb|welcome back) River
Welcome back River!
River o/
Wave at River
Conversation, Messages and Reminders
River will ask a question to spark a new conversation
River will spout a cryptic piece of advice at you.
River will spit out a programming excuse at you!
River will spit out a random pun at you!
,tell <nick> <msg>
,to <nick> <msg>
River, tell <nick> <msg>
River, ask <nick> <msg>
tell nick about msg (River will tell nick when nick speaks next).
query this to River to get all the latest messages sent to your nick.
,seen <nick>
reports when <nick> was last seen.
,in <time> <msg>
displays a msg after the given time has elapsed.
,at <time> <msg>
displays a msg at the given time.
ask River a yes or no question, and she'll respond randomly with yes or no. Also if you give her a list of items separated by 'or' she'll randomly choose one of them.
same as the Ask command but in Klingon; River will respond with HIja' or ghobe'.
,bap <nick>
River will bap nick
,chill <nick>
River will provide a soothing message or action to nick
,dance <nick>
River will dance with nick
,glitter <nick>
,glitterbomb <nick>
River will glitterbomb nick
,heal <nick>
,rez <nick>
River will heal nick
,hug <nick>
River will hug nick
,huggle <nick>
River will huggle nick
,kiss <nick>
River will kiss nick
,nom <nick>
River will nom nick
,poke <nick>
River will poke nick
,snow <nick>
River will throw a snowball at nick
,snuggle <nick>
River will snuggle nick
,assassinate <nick>
,bump <nick>
River will assassinate nick... but will she?
,kill <nick>
,slaughter <nick>
,massacre <nick>
River will kill nick... but will she?
,shoot <nick>
River will shoot nick... but will she?
,slap <nick>
River will slap nick... but will she?
,stab <nick>
River will stab nick... but will she?
,throttle <nick>
River will throttle nick... but will she?
,throw <nick>
River will throw nick... but will she?
a random farm animal noise
a sheep noise
a chicken noise
a cockerel noise
a fish noise
a cow noise
a cat noise
a pig noise
a dog noise
Time, Location and Weather
get the current Internet time in Swatch beats.
,t <timezone>
get the current time in GMT or in the provided timezone.
return the time from the USNO Master Clock.
,countdown <yr> <mth> <day>
,cd <yr> <mth> <day>
displays length of time until or since date specified. Use full format in arguments, e.g. 2013 07 22
,easter <year>
displays the date for Easter for a given year.
,nws <zip/county>
,nws-more <zip/county>
query NOAA for warnings, watches or advisories for a given US ZIP code or US county, state pair.
,weather <ICAO>
Show the weather at airport with the code <ICAO> or <ZIP> code.
,open_weather <city, country>
,opw <city, country>
Displays weather information from Open Weather of the selected city. Optional: country.
,windchill <temp> <wind speed>
,wc <temp> <wind speed>
shows Windchill in F.
show the current day's advent calendar entry; only works in December!
,advent <no>
,advent <yr> <no>
show a previous day's advent calendar entry, replacing the number with the day you want to be replaced; years include 13, 14 and 15, and without a year offers 2016.
Words, Numbers, Currency and Colours
,c <query>
,cal <query>
,calc <query>
Google Calculator, for calculations and conversions.
,wa <query>
Calculator using Wolfram Alpha, for calculations and conversions.
,math <query>
Calculator using Sympy Gamma, for calculations.
,rand <num> <num>
Randomly picks a number between the two points. One number can be provided and River will assume the other bound is 0.
,diceroll <roll>
,roll <roll>
Rolls dice of your choosing; needs to be in the <a href="">notation</a> xdy, where x is the number of dice, and y is the number of sides. Example: 1d20. You can roll multiple dice by using spaces, example: 1d20 2d6. You can +/- numbers off dice rolls, example: 1d20+4.
,dict <word>
,define <word>
,word <word>
Returns the definition of a word using Wiktionary.
,oed <word>
Returns the definition of a word from the Oxford English Dictionary.
,ety <word>
Return a word's etymology.
,hi <word>
Provides the Hindi Etymology for a given term.
Display the current prices for Bitcoins.
Displays results from
River will print out a list of available IRC colours.
Searching the Web
,yt <query...>
,youtube <query>
Returns the top 3 YouTube video results for the specified <query>.
,ytc <query...>
,youtubechannel <query>
Returns the top 3 YouTube channel results for the specified <query>.
,ytp <query...>
,youtubeplaylist <query>
Returns the top 3 YouTube playlist results for the specified <query>.
,ddg <search query>
,duck <search query>
Provides the first link from a DuckDuckGo search.
,bing <search query>
Provides the first result from a Bing search.
,search <search query>
Provides the first result from Bing and DuckDuckGo.
,wiki <term>
,wik <term>
,w <term>
Return information about <term> from English Wikipedia.
,search <search query>
Provides the first result from Bing and DuckDuckGo.
,wq <category>
,wikiquote <category>
Return a quote from Wikiquote about <category> (example: ,wikiquote Category:Philosophers)
List all available Wikiquote categories.
,imdb <film/show name>
,movie <film/show name>
,show <film/show name>
,tv <film/show name>
Displays information from IMDB about a given film or TV show; can also add on year to the end.
,mlb <team code>
Look up the current score of a MLB team (American baseball).
,img_me <term>
,image_me <term>
Find term in Google images.
,mustache_me <term>
Find term in Google images and then put a mustache on it!
,animate_me <term>
,nm8_me <term>
,gif <term>
Find term in Giphy.
,twitter <UID>
Displays a tweet provided a given UID. For example: ",twitter 302123537890693120" will return the tweet, "Warren Buffett and Brazilian investor to buy Heinz for $28 billion:" from this address,
,xkcd <num>
,xkcd (r|ran|rand|random)
Displays the desired comic from xkcd. .xkcd (for most recent), .xkcd [comic number] (for specific comic), or .xkcd [r | ran | rand | random] (for a random comic).
,urb <term>
,urban <term>
Return the top post about <term> from Urban Dictionary.
URLs, Websites, Coding, Github and Ham Radio
,head <URI>
Provide HTTP HEAD information for <URI>.
,ipaddress <URI/IP ADDR>
,host <URI/IP ADDR>
Provides host information on <URI/IP ADDR> entered.
,isup <URI>
Check if website host is up.
,val <URI>
Validate <URI> using
,tld <TLD>
Shows info on a top level domain (e.g. .tld .com)
,github_search <repo>
,gh_search <repo>
,gh_s <repo>
,gh <repo>
Search Github for a repo.
,github_user_search <user>
,gh_user_search <user>
Search Github for a user.
,github_user_info <user>
,gh_user_info <user>
,gh_user <user>
,gh_usr <user>
,gh_u <user>
Get information on a Github user.
,github_prs <user>/<repo>
,gh_prs <user>/<repo>
Get the number of pull requests done by user on repo.
,github_contribs <user>/<repo>
,gh_contribs <user>/<repo>
Get the number of contributions done by user on repo.
,cs <callsign>
Queries for call sign information.
,cw <query>
Converts to/from morse code.
,bytes <str>
Return the byte representation of <str>.
,char <seq>
Get info about a sequence.
,u <regexp>
Search for a particular Unicode codepoint.
,latex <string of latex>
,tex <string of latex>
Returns a tinyurl of an image generated by provided LaTeX
Points, Quotes and Polls
,addpoint <nick>
Give a point to a user.
,rmpoint <nick>
Remove a point to a user.
,point <channel> <user>
,points <channel> <user>
,score <channel> <user>
,scores <channel> <user>
Lists all users and their point values in the system. Optional: channel and user parameters for filtering.
,addquote <quote>
Adds a quote to the internal quote database.
,quote <number>
Retrieve a quote. Optional: number provides for a specific quote number, otherwise a random quote is provided.
,rmpoint <nick>
Remove a point to a user.
,sp -t <title> <options>
,straw -t <title> <options>
,strawpoll -t <title> <options>
Creates a strawpoll with the chosen title and options (example: .strawpoll -t "Title Here" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3")
Resends the last strawpoll link created.
NationStates General
,nation <nation>
,n <nation>
,boneyard <nation>
,b <nation>
Get NationStates nation information and nation page (or boneyard) link.
,region <region>
,r <region>
,rmb <region>
Get NationStates region information and region page link.
,dossier <nation>
Get NationStates link to add a nation to your dossier.
,ec <nation>
Get endorsement count of a nation.
,spdr <nation>
Get regional influence of a nation.
,wan <region>
,wanz <region>
Get all WA nations of a region (can leave blank for home region; currently says Region Not Found if no WA nations found).
,nwan <region>
,nwanz <region>
Get all non-WA nations of a region (can leave blank for home region; currently says Region Not Found if no non-WA nations found).
,rebels <region>
,rebelz <region>
Get all nations not endorsing the delegate in a region (can leave blank for home region).
,nfs <search>
,nfst <search>
Provide link to search NS Forums for a particular topic
,nsfp <search>
Provide link to search NS Forums for a particular post